Jun222018Happy Folks[text_output]”Nothin’s better than a cool drink of water-but too much can give you a bellyache”[/text_output][image type=”thumbnail” src=”1530″ alt=”” href=”” title=”” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=””] Category: Happy FolksBy Maysa OaklyJune 22, 2018Tags: 2018 vacationcusterdeadwoodhill cityhorseback riding in the black hillshorsesjim and erica hustedkeystonekoapalmer gulchsdsouth dakotasummerthings to do in south dakotavacation Author: Maysa Oakly http://www.howeyeseeitphotography.com Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Wranglin’ and Bull Fightin’NextNext post:Snoozin’ SundaysRelated PostsChuckwagon Dinner Show!February 19, 2025Cortez is smiling because we’ll be open in a few months!February 10, 2025So many faces!February 6, 2025Chuckwagon Dinner Show!January 28, 2025Sunny & Summer!January 21, 2025Looking Forward to 2025!January 9, 2025