Join us for the first Wagon Master’s Breakfast Ride on June 24th!
More upcoming dates include: June 24,27. July: 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25,29. August: 1.
The menu consists of our delicious Bronc Buster hash…. Bacon and beef, chopped potatoes, onions, peppers and secret seasonings browned and cooked to perfection over the fire in a cast iron pot. For the sweet tooth, another pot contains a warm apple pie oatmeal dish. Tart apples sliced and mixed with cinnamon and brown sugar, nutmeg, butter and maple syrup, rolled in oatmeal and lightly browned. This is true comfort food. Enjoy good coffee? How about a rich cup of boiled cowboy coffee. Orange juice is also served. This breakfast is only offered 12 times a summer so plan one memorable breakfast with us.